Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Im looking to start a Medieval/Fantasy role-play that will follow the exploits of a small group of around 5-8 people. They will be brought together for various personal agendas but share a overall goal. This wont be a dungeon crawl or free form rp, but more of an interactive narrative with the role-players writing the story. I know plenty of people do this, so I know that plenty of you can easily pull off this type of rp with little effort.

Things I Want To See
1. Since our cast will more than likely be small i want to see very well fleshed out characters. Think of habits and mannerisms, anything that will make your character truly one of a kind. The main problem that i have seen about characters is the lack of flaws. People tend to make their characters powerful and accomplished to begin with. While its fine to do this it doesn't leave any room for character growth, and no one wants to see a character that stays the same through the whole story. The key way to avoid this is not making young inexperienced characters, but to give your character flaws. Maybe they have insomnia and cant sleep because their dreams are plagued by sights from their past, or maybe they are a mage that is slowly losing their power. Its your choice, just dont make hugo-naught characters.

2. I want to see some powerful emotion within the group, and not the normal "Im a Knight and your a Rouge I hate you." sort of emotion, but true blue feelings. I wanna see conflicting interests and jealously, the group being divided at times and unsure of how to progress. Start a love triangle that pitts two people against each other and forces the one being fought over to choose one or neither. Maybe your character has a hidden agenda at the beginning but slowly begins to care for his companions. Dont treat this like a game but as if it were real, in reality how would you act or feel if it happened to you.

3. I would like to see some good character development as well. People change, and so should our characters. They make and loss friends, fall in and out of love, or change who they are altogether. Your character should at his/her core be mortal and as a mortal they will never be perfect. When your character is tested they dont always have to persevere, maybe they break under the pressure and they doubt who they are. Force them to re-evaluate who they are, giving them a mental dilemma that can make them stronger or change them. You should never be the same at the end as you were in the beginning.

It took me a while to decide on the setting but i finally managed to come up with one that offered a good starting foundation but also flexibility for the role-play.

The rp will take place in the Kingdom of Renaria which was once great and prosperous, but is now on a political and economical decline. To maintain its alliances and keep itself from a depression Renaria has sold its border territories and has offered fiefs to foreign dignitaries. Due to this many of its own noble houses have succumbed to poverty and hold a grudge towards the royalty. Also due to the lack of gold in the coffers Renaria has disbanded its standing military and reduced the number of guards in its cities. Because of the lack of protection and military presence most towns and wealthy citizens have turned to hiring private security forces and mercenaries.

Renaria was also a prime advocate of peaceful relations between Human, Elf, and Dwarf society. Because of this many cities grew a large population of Non-Human citizens, as well as pure Elf or Dwarf settlements. However without the presence of the military to deter those that would do them harm, many that detest the Non-Human have spoken out against them, sometimes leading to violent riots.

If anyone is interested, or if you have suggestions, please let me know.

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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